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can someone explain me how can I use this virual property adm-CustomAttributeTextMultiValue1?
Thanks for your help

by (700 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


The property can be used to store multiple string (text) values, for which you can't find an appropriate Active Directory property.

The same as with any other Adaxes virtual property, CustomAttributeTextMultiValue1 is stored not in Active Directory, but on Adaxes backend, and you can use it as any other property of AD objects.



I'm refrencing %adm-CustomAttributeTextMultiValue1% in a email notification however only the first value is returned?

This behaviour is by design.

Do I still need to use the script?

Yes, currently all values can be returned only using a script. However, we have this feature on our TODO list.


Hi all, there is any way to put all values in a mail with other text? For example: Good morning.... below the list: %adm-CustomAttributeTextMultiValue1%_1 %adm-CustomAttributeTextMultiValue1%_2


I hope my request is clear Thanks in advance, Simone


Hello Simone,

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility using value references. It can only be done by retrieving all the property values in a script and sending the email in the very same script. To obtain all values of a multivalued property, use method GetEx.


Thanks, can I have an example? Sorry but I'm not confident with this type of scripts


Hello Simone,

Sure, here is an example of the script. In the script:

  • $multiValuedPropertyName - Specifies the LDAP name of the multivalued property.
  • $separator - Specifies the separator for values of the property in the email notification.
  • $to - Specifies the address of the email notification recipient.
  • $subject - Specifies the subject of the email notification.
  • $messageTemplate - Specifies the email notification template. In the template, the {0} and {1} placeholders will be replaced with the property LDAP name and its values accordingly.
$multiValuedPropertyName = "adm-CustomAttributeTextMultiValue1" # TODO: modify me
$separator = ";" # TODO: modify me

# Mail settings
$to = "recipient@domain.com" # TODO: modify
$subject = "My Subject" # TODO: modify
$messageTemplate = @"

Here are values of property {0} for user %fullname%:
"@ # TODO: modify

# Get property values
    $valuesArray = $Context.TargetObject.GetEx($multiValuedPropertyName)
    $Context.LogMessage("Property $multiValuedPropertyName is empty.", "Warning")

# Send mail
$values = [System.String]::Join($separator, $valuesArray)
$message = [System.String]::Format($messageTemplate, @($multiValuedPropertyName, $values))
$Context.SendMail($to, $subject, $message, $NULL)

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