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We have a custom website for our basic people search web page to lookup users in AD as a people directory. Everything works great except for the search allows users to search AD accounts in the entire domain. Is there a way to lockdown the Search function to this peoplesearch website only to see only accounts in a separate AD Organization Unit instead of the entire domain? Right now the search in this website can find people in the entire domain instead of in the following OU: OU=User,OU=Person,DC=csu,DC=org. I know you can accomplish this task using the Home Page but we wanted to do the same in the search. Any ideas…



by (80 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)

Update 2018

Starting with Adaxes 2018.1 it is possible to specify a top level node for Adaxes Web interface to limit the objects available in it. For details, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_WebInterfaceCustomization_ControlObjectsDisplayedInWebInterface.htm.


Hello Rodney,

Currently, the feature of limiting search in the Web Interface is not available. We have such a feature in our TODO list, it will be available in one of our future releases.

For now, you can use two workarounds for this task:

  1. Limit what users can see with the help of Security Roles

    You can use Security Roles to hide certain parts of your AD domain(s) from users. However, you should keep in mind that when using such method, you will hide the objects from users everywhere in Adaxes environment, and not only in the 'Peopele Search' Web Interface. For information on how to accomplish the task, see the following tutorial: http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Delegat ... mUsers.htm.

  2. Use the View Object Home Page Action as the Search function

    As you've already mentioned, you can also search for users in Adaxes Home Page Actions. For your task, you can use the View Object Home Page Action that can be used for searching for and viewing objects and that does not perform any additional actions. For information on how to set up such a task, see View Object: http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_WebInte ... s.htm#view. To accomplish your task:

    • On the 1st step of the section, select the type of objects your users need to search for (for example, User or Contact).
    • On the 3rd step, set a specific OU or container, where the objects should be located, or specify a LDAP filter that the objects should meet to be returned by the Home Page Action.

P.S. Rodney, please check your PM inbox!


Adaxes Support,

I was already trying to implement option 1 before this post and I am glad the this was one of the work arounds. We will continue to use option 1 until you add this functionality into a newer release. Again thank you for your support on how to fix our issue.


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