0 votes

I hope this has not been asked yet. It is hard to search for this particular info. I searched the forum for Form and went through most of the results and did not find the answer so here it goes.

Is there a way to display a field in a form based on a check box or drop down list selection.

So one example is we are using the attribute Employee-Type to specify whether a user account is a contractor or employee. We would like to make the description attribute mandatory and then show in the form if contractor is selected from the list.

If not using Business rules set to before user is created can the extra info be prompted from the person filling out the form?

Thank you

by (590 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (216k points)


Currently such functionality is not available in Adaxes, but we have such a feature in our TODO list. It will be available in one of the future releases.

For now, you can use one of the two following workarounds. The first one is to use a Business Rule that will be executed before user creation. In the Business Rule, you can check whether the Employee Type property is set to Contractor, and if it set to Contractor, check whether the Description property is empty. If the property is empty, the Business Rule cancels the operation. Alternatively, if you create Contractor accounts and Employee accounts in different OUs, you can use a Property Pattern for your task. You can create a Property Pattern that will be applied only to the OU where you create Employee accounts and that will make Description a required property.

To implement the solution with a Business Rule:

  1. Create a new Business Rule.
  2. On the 2nd step of the Create Business Rule wizard, select User and Before Creating a User.
  3. On the 3rd step, add the Cancel this operation action.
  4. If necessary, specify the reason for canceling and click OK.
  5. Double-click Always.
  6. Select the If <property> <relation> <value> condition.
  7. In the <property> drop-down list, select Employee Type.
  8. Select equals and type Contractor.
  9. Click OK. This will add a condition to launch the Business Rule only when a Contractor account is created.
  10. Click the Add Condition button.
  11. Select the If <property> <relation> <value> condition.
  12. In the <property> drop-down list, select Description.
  13. Select is empty.
  14. Click OK. This will add a condition to launch the Business Rule only when Description is not specified.
  15. Finish creation of the Business Rule.

To implement the solution with a Property Pattern:

  1. For information on how to make the Employee Type property required, see Make Employee ID a Required Property & Specify its Format.
  2. On the 7th step of the above tutorial, include the OU where you create Contractor accounts in the Activity Scope of the Property Pattern.

All good in the hood. Your software rocks by the way and so does your support :D

Something I noticed in testing:

So I set the Business rule to "Before Creating a User" and have a Property Pattern defined for the Employee-Type field.
The Property Pattern is set with a "Generate default value:" of "Full Time" and "Must be one of the following values only:" Options for "Affiliate", "Contractor", "Full Time" and "Service".
When I choose "Contractor" from the new user creation form and do not fill in the "Description" the Business Rule cancels the operation like its supposed to but the "Employee-Type field reverts back to the "Generate default value".

Anyway around this?

Thanks again


This is a bug in Adaxes. The form should preserve the value that you've selected. We'll fix it in our next release. Thank you for the bugreport and for your good words, we really appreciate it!



Yesterday, we released Adaxes 2013.2 that contains a fix for the issue. Now, if an operation is canceled, the Web Interface form preserves the values specified by the user. You can download Adaxes 2013.2 here.

Upgrade Instructions.

For a complete list of new features and improvements, see What's New.

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