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I am trying to get properties of users through the ADSI api. Some of our attributes in AD are not always filled, for example the employeeID (that gets added after a process is complete). I keep getting the following exception when I come across a user that doesn't have a value for employeeID: "The 'employeeID' property cannot be found in the cache.

I am loading a custom object through a LINQ query, so I can't catch the exception when I search for that property. Is there another method I should be using that returns null if the property doesn't exist (without throwing an exception)?

by (140 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


There is no other method that would return null or whatsoever. If the property is not set for an object, the Get and GetEx methods throw an exception. The best option would probably be to rewrite your code without using LINQ queries, at least that part of the code that deals with accessing Adaxes ADSI API.

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