0 votes

I am somewhat new to my adaxes system but have been 'ramping up quickly' ... I noticed a week or so ago that querying my logs suddenly takes a LOT longer than it used to.

Is there database maintenance or other maintenance that I should be performing that I might not be??

I'd appreciate any thoughts ...


- Scott W.

by (220 points)

Hello Scott,

What is the size of the local logging database file? The local database is stored in the AdaxesLog.db3 file located in the LogDB subfolder of the folder where the Adaxes service is installed, which is C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Service by default.


As of right now, the AdaxesLog.db3 file is: 153 MB (160,982,016 bytes).


1 Answer

0 votes
by (216k points)

Hello Scott,

As we've mentioned before, this issue is most probably related to another issue that you reported on the forum. In Slow to start responding after reboot??? we asked you to send us a backup of configuration of your Adaxes service, but never received a message from you.

Nevertheless, we investigated which part of Adaxes code could cause such a delay and found the most probable cause of both the issues that you reported. We fixed that in Update 2 to Adaxes 2014.1 (build 3.7.11004.0). To check whether the fix resolves your issue:

  1. Important: Make sure that all pending Approval Requests have been processed (approved, denied or canceled). The subsequent actions will remove all pending Approval Requests.

  2. Back up the configuration of your Adaxes service. For information on how to do this, see the following help article: http://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.Mana ... ation.html.

  3. Stop the Softerra Adaxes Service.

  4. Remove file AdaxesCommandQueueBackup.ldif located in the common application data folder used by Adaxes. It is typically located at:

    • on Windows Vista: C:\ProgramData\Softerra\Adaxes 3\,
    • on other versions of Windows: C:\Users\All Users\Softerra\Adaxes 3\.
  5. Start the Softerra Adaxes Service.

  6. Restore the configuration of your Adaxes service. When restoring, uncheck the Restore Approval Requests option.

  7. Check how fast the service starts up and retrieves log files.

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