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I initially set up this application to be a self-service portal for users to update their contact information in AD. When seeing the licensing info on the purchasing page:

The license is issued for the number of enabled user accounts in Active Directory.

I assumed enabled -> allowed to use this application.

I have about 65 accounts that represent actual users.

I have over 100 (and growing) service accounts that are there only to allow applications to function -- including the one created for Adaxes to have access to AD.

I have the web interface configured such that only real users can even log into the application to use it. Yet I am supposed to buy a license for accounts that will never use this software?

Please explain.

by (90 points)

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)


The license is issued for the number of enabled and not expired user accounts in all managed Active Directory domains.
Please send me a PM with your e-mail and I'll forward your request to our Sales department. I think they'll help you.


I'm looking into this software. And I was thinking the exact same thing.
We have about 200 active AD users, but then there is the [around]60 service accounts which are seen as "active ad users". But they are only there to service a bunch of applications and so forth.

I of course don't want to pay for active AD accounts, that in reality are not used by any individual :!:
Is there a solution to this?



In the next version (that is going to be released within a week) it'll be possible to add user accounts that you don't want to manage using Adaxes to the list of unmanaged accounts. Unmanaged user accounts are not displayed in the Adaxes environment and are ignored during license validation.


Thank you.
That sounds a fair way of handling it ;)


Hello, we are French Embassy's School in Moscow (Lycee Francais Alexandre Dumas de Moscou, site http://www.lfm.ru ),
we would like to use Adaxes to manage up to 600 accounts, I would like to ask the following questions before making a purchase:

  1. in what form it is possible to pay from Moscow?
  2. are there any discounts for educational organizations?
  3. is Adaxes 100% compatible with MS Server 2008 R2 French Enterprise Edition?

Thank you in advance,
Petr Rozanov


Hello Petr,

  1. in what form it is possible to pay from Moscow?

Please contact our Sales department regarding this question.

  1. are there any discounts for educational organizations?

Yes. All educational organizations are eligible to purchase Adaxes with a 17% discount. Read more.

  1. is Adaxes 100% compatible with MS Server 2008 R2 French Enterprise Edition?



Hello Eugene,
thank you very much for you answer! Now we have Adaxes installed and working!
Everything seemed to be OK the only thing that was bothering me is that I could not find where I can apply my license information.
So I've decided to do that when 30-day trial would expire, I thought there would be a window proposing to enter license info to continue.
But unfortunately there was no such window just an alert "The evaluation period has expired." I tried to find any information on applying
license info but the only valuable result was checking out "Properties - General - Licensing" to see the licensing status but not to enter info.
Could you please tell me where it's hidden? :) Possibly I just can't find it in front of my eyes.



To activate your license key, unzip it and copy to the following folder: C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Service\License.
Please note that the license is not activated immediately. You'll either need to wait for ~10 minutes, or restart the Adaxes service.

BTW, the instructions on how to active a license are sent along with the license key :)


Hello Eugene,
I knew it should be something simple, thanks a lot!!
BTW, it would be nice to add this topic to Adaxes Help for the guys like me :)


Thank you for the suggestion. We'll write a 'How Do I' article for this.

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