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We've got a business case where we want the initiator of an account creation process to have the manager of the account 'hard-set' as *their* manager (as part of a 'break glass' procedure where a normally non-permissioned user can create an account, but we force their manager to be 'made aware' and be responsible for the account etc).

The issue I have is that I cannot auto-insert the attribute in the correct (DN) format in the data input form; I can insert initiator-ManagerUserName, Fullname etc, but not initiator-ManagerDN, as it's not an available attribute.

Is there a clever way for me to achieve this, or can you add this attribute to the list of those available in a future release?

by (1.6k points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


As far as we understand, you want the initiator's manager to also become the manager of the new user. Are we getting you right? If so, it can be easily done with the help of a PowerShell script run a Business Rule. The Rule will be triggered after creating a new user.

Also, we've added your suggestion to our TODO list. Thanks!


Yep - this is our workaround.

It's made slightly harder by the fact that we have made the Manager field mandatory, so we first insert the initiator and then change it with a business rule as you suggest.



Starting from the Adaxes 2014.1 released today, you can use the %adm-InitiatorManagerDN% value reference that is resolved into the distinguished name (DN) of the manager of the operation initiator. Find the latest build here.

Upgrade Instructions.

For a complete list of new features and improvements, see What's New.

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