0 votes


Does anyone recognizes the issue that Internet Explorer is not filling the field automatically?
For example when creating a new user, the full name is not generated. This must be an Internet Explorer setting, because of other workstations and browsers this is working fine.

Any solution would be appreciated.

Thanks, Roel

by (40 points)

Hello Roel,

What version is your Adaxes (including the build number) and what version is your Internet Explorer?


Our Adaxes build number is 3.3.8815.0 (we don't have usage right on the latest 2013 version)
The problem is seen on IE version 10.0.9200.16798

1 Answer

0 votes
by (216k points)


Auto-generation of properties won't work in Internet Explorer 10 with your version of Adaxes. The bug was partially fixed in Adaxes 2013.1 and finally resolved in Adaxes 2013.2.

To resolve the issue, you need to upgrade to the latest version or use another browser.

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