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Is it possible to fully disable the AD browsing feature so that users can only search for users and groups.

I have removed OU etc from search, however in the grid view the users can turn on the Parent column then click on it to browse that OU.

I can't delete the Parent column from the web interface config as Delete is greyed out????


by (390 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


The Delete button is disabled for the Parent column because if you delete the column, you won't be able to add it in the future. But if you are sure that you won't need it, you can remove the column by modifying the Web Interface source files as follows:

  1. Close the Web Interface Customization tool.

  2. Open the Web.config file for the appropriate Web interface type in a text editor. By default, it is located in folder C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Web Interface\*<Web Interface type>*** on the computer where the Web Interface is installed.

  3. Find the add XML element that has the propertyName parameter set to parent.

     <add propertyName="parent" visibleByDefault="true">
  4. Remove the element

  5. Save the file.


Thank you. That worked great. For the time being I can't see why I need Parent, but in case I do in the future, is there a way of removing the ability for the user to add/remove columns from the grid? I.E remove the button?


No, you can't do that.


Ok, thank you again.

Ultimately the reason I want to stop people browsing is because in the view there are always buttons at the top for "Create New" based on the permissions of the user.

I only want people to be able to create using the home page actions where I can limit OU etc, but couldn't find a way to remove the Create New buttons so my workaround was to avoid browsing....

Can these buttons be disabled instead?



Yes, sure. Take a look at Remove "Create New" from OU view for instructions on how to accomplish the task.

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