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Now that our adaxes system is in use and active I am trying to figure out how to fix 'bugs' in my scripts and develop new scripts / workflow on a live system without causing an impact to end users.

Does adaxes allow us to install a 'development' or 'test' environment where changes / new functionality can be thoroughly reviewed before putting into production?

I am curious as to how other customers do this ...


- Scott W.

by (220 points)

Hello Scott,

Could you please direct this question to our Sales Department by sending an email to sales[at]softerra.com?


Ditto this for me!

We are thinking of implementing a second AD domain, using Adaxes to bridge to both, giving 'developers' access to the 'test' domain to develop scripts and run them, then having a 'promoter' who can cut and past the workflows into the live domain.



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