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I noticed we cant view computer or user child objects in the console...I would like to view bitlocker and activesync child items if possible...this simple?

by (490 points)

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by (216k points)
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It is possible to do what you need in two ways.

[Recommended] You can you use Custom Commands for this purpose. Just define a Custom Command for Computer objects that will execute a script to output information on the BitLocker child items to the Execution Log or a Custom Command for User objects that will output information on a user's ActiveSync devices.

Alternatively, you can configure Adaxes Web Interface to display msFVE-RecoveryInformation objects under computers, and also msExchActiveSyncDevices containers and msExchActiveSyncDevice objects under users.

For information on how to configure the Web Interface to display msFVE-RecoveryInformation objects, see Handling child objects.

For information on how to configure the Web Interface to display ActiveSync device information for users, see a separate post below.


To configure the Web Interface to display ActiveSync device information for users, you'll need to perform the following steps:

  • Configure the Web Interface to display objects of the msExchActiveSyncDevice type.
  • Configure the Web Interface to display objects of the msExchActiveSyncDevices type.
  • Configure the User Object View to display child objects.
  • Configure the msExchActiveSyncDevices Object View to display child objects.

[Caution] After performing the steps described below, the header that is displayed in the object view for users will be changed. It will not display the user's photo.

I. Configure the Web Interface to display objects of the msExchActiveSyncDevice type.

For information on how to accomplish this task, see the Manage Active Directory Objects of a Custom Type Tutorial. Use it as a guide.

  • On step 4 of the tutorial, select the ms-Exch-Active-Sync-Device object type.
  • On step 5, also select the ms-Exch-Active-Sync-Device type.

II. Configure the Web Interface to display objects of the msExchActiveSyncDevices type.

Use the a similar procedure to steps described in step I. to add the msExchActiveSyncDevices object type to the Web Interface.

III. Configure the User Object View to display child objects.

  1. Close the Web Interface Configuration tool (important).

  2. Open the Web.Config file for your Web Interface using a text editor. By default, this file is located in the following folder:
    C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Web Interface\*<WebInterfaceType>***.

  3. Change the value of the controlPath attribute to XML element objectViewer for user objects to the following: ~/ManageDirectory/UserControls/DirectoryObjectWithGridViewer.ascx. The element will look as follows:

                       <add name="user">
                           <objectViewer controlPath="~/ManageDirectory/UserControls/DirectoryObjectWithGridViewer.ascx">

IV. Configure the msExchActiveSyncDevices Object View to display child objects.

In the Web.Config file that you've opened on step IV, also add the controlPath attribute to the XML element objectViewer for msExchActiveSyncDevices objects:

                  <add name="msExchActiveSyncDevices">
                      <objectViewer controlPath="~/ManageDirectory/UserControls/DirectoryObjectWithGridViewer.ascx">

After making the changes in steps III and IV, save the Web.Config file.


Anyway to get more detailed information on where in the config file that the modification are to be inserted. It is not very clear where to make the changes in step 3 and 4 when making changes to the config file.


Really confused. every time I try step four I break the web portal, so I am clearly not doing it right I have had this working in the past but after the 2014 update the file did not stay the same rest back to default. Please I have been place in a bind and need to get this resolved as quickly as possible. Thank you for your continued support.



Can you send your Web.Config file to our support e-mail (support[at]adaxes.com)? We'll send it back to you with the necessary changes.


You should have in the email now.



Judging by the configuration file that we received from you, you didn't properly complete Steps 1 & 2​ of the above instructions. Without completing ​Step 2​, it is impossible to accomplish ​Step 4​. We sent you an updated configuration file with all the necessary changes, check your inbox.

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