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To make Adaxes fit in with other tools I wanted to change the text in the web ui for some options and have found the Strings resx files where some of this is possible, but not everything.

For example, we call the Basket List and have modifed the fields in Strings.resx and CommonStrings.resx as below which has worked for the Remove from text, but the Add To text is still Add To Basket?

<data name="AddToBasket" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Add to List</value>

<data name="RemoveFromBasket" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Remove from List</value>

Secondly, we wanted to change the tab headers and modified Reports and Basket as below, in this case the Basket Tab did change, but the Reports one didn't, however when I selet Reports, the browser Title bar does show my new value? Is this a defect?

<data name="Reports" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Quick Info</value>
<data name="Basket" xml:space="preserve">
<value>My List</value>

Thank you

by (390 points)

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by (216k points)
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When developing the current version of the Web Interface, we didn't take into account that somebody would want to change the texts, so we proceeded from how it would be asier for us to access the necessary resources. The texts are scattered among multiple resource files, some of the texts are even compiled into binary files and cannot be changed. In the new version of the Web Interface that will be available starting from Adaxes 2015.1, we'll add the possibility to easily change texts in the Web Interface, as well as to back up and restore the changes you've made.

The Add to Basket text is compiled into binary resources and cannot be changed.

As for the Reports tab, you need to modify one more file. To change the text:

  1. Locate the Skeleton.master.resx file. It is located in the C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Web Interface\<Web Interface Type>\Common\MasterPages\App_LocalResources\ by default.

  2. In the file, find the following lines:

       <data name="Reports" xml:space="preserve">
  3. Change the text in the value XML element to whatever name you want for the tab.

  4. Save the file.

Pay attention that all changes that you make to the *.resx files are not backed up by Adaxes Web interface backup / restore, and thus you'll need to make the changes again after you upgrade or reinstall Adaxes.

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