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Hello, I want to use custom attributes to display values that would be updated via script, but I want a name my users can understand, so rename "CustomAttributeBinary1" to a more friendly name.

I've searched, but I keep seeing references to this article http://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.Mana ... Names.html . After looking at that article, it tells me to modify the file AttributeFriendlyNames2.eng.xml but I cannot find this file on my server anywhere.

How can I do this?


by (710 points)

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by (710 points)
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Found it, I had to turn on view system files in Server 2012 R2 before it showed. You should update that document to include server locations.



I had to turn on view system files in Server 2012 R2 before it showed

You could simply copy and paste the path to the Windows Explorer Address bar. It's the same as for Windows 8.

Anyway, thanks for the note, that's a good point. We'll update the document.

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