+1 vote


Is there any mechanism to add an approval reason to the approval emails?
I tried to add a property value (customattributetext1) to the email header but couldn't actually set the property.
Could do with being able to set the propert "dynamically" using powershell just before each approval request in the business rule.

Much appreciated.

by (840 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer

Update 2020

Starting with Adaxes 2020.1, it is possible to specify a reason for approving a request. The reason will be included into the corresponding automatic email notifications.



Currently, this is not available, but thanks for the suggestion. We've already had a similar request from one of our customers, so we'll consider it when deciding on features for future releases.


I agree on that suggestion.

A small text message to inform the owner of a protected resource, for what reason the requestor wants access.



Thanks for your feedback. We understand the reasoning why such functionality is required, and we'll keep these requests in mind when deciding on new features.


Hello, The update states that in 2020.1 it is possible to state the reason and that the reason would be included in the emails. However wer are on 2021 and the reason is not being sent in the emails. There is a "View Request" button that allows the recipient to see the reason on the web portal only. Is there a way to include the reason in the text of the email?


Hello Josh,

As per our check, the feature works exactly as expected. When a request is approved, the initiator receives an email like the following:

Dear Administrator,

The following operation has been approved by James Peters.


Run PowerShell script My Script for John Doe (company.com\Users)

Approved by James Peters

Reason Jira ticket 123456

User John Doe

Request date 2/17/2023 3:10:09 AM

Click here to view request details

Please do not reply to this e-mail, it has been sent to you for notification purposes only.


Hello Support 2. I misunderstood which approval emails you were referring to. I am referring to the reason a request has been submitted. For example, if i request membership to a group we have the following form: image.png The information added to the Reason for Access should be sent to the approvers in the Approval Request email. Currently that only shows the Operation, Initiator, User and Request date with a link to view the request in the web portal. image.png


Hello Josh,

Thank you for clarifying. This behaviour is by design. There is currently no possibility to actually specify a reason for an operation submitted for approval. However, we have the feature in our roadmap. What you have on the form are just properties or parameters, but they are not related to the approval request itself.

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