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Hi Guys,
We have two separate web UI for our HR and service desk. On HR one we have yellow bar with such text:
"You don't have any permissions to read properties of your account. Some features of the Web Interface will not be available."
Is it possible to hide it somehow?

Also, we'd like to hide information about OU of the selected user. Let's say I choose user from the search, after that just above the Select button I have info about user in this format: John Doe (acme.com\Users\West). I'd like to display only DisplayName in this case "John Doe".

by (510 points)


On HR one we have yellow bar with such text:
"You don't have any permissions to read properties of your account. Some features of the Web Interface will not be available."
Is it possible to hide it somehow?

First of all, could you specify what exactly would you like to achieve? Do you want to simply remove the message or try to identify which permissions they are lacking that the message appears? In other words, did you deny the permissions for HR guys to view properties of their accounts deliberately?

Also, we'd like to hide information about OU of the selected user. Let's say I choose user from the search, after that just above the Select button I have info about user in this format: John Doe (acme.com\Users\West). I'd like to display only DisplayName in this case "John Doe".

Have a look at step 6 in the following tutorial: http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_WebInte ... onents.htm.

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