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Is it possible to require the approval of all users put into the approvers box (and any of the options checked) before an operation will be "approved" rather than only requiring one of the approvers to approve.


by (150 points)

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by (216k points)
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You can achieve something like this, but with multiple Send operation for approval actions. When Adaxes encounters a Send operation for approval action, the main operation that triggered the action is stopped until an approval is received from any of the approvers defined in the action. If the operation is approved, then Adaxes proceeds to the next action. If Adaxes encounters another Send operation for approval action, the operation will be stopped again until approval is received from approvers defined in this action. Thus, you can define the necessary approvers, one approver / approver category for each action.


That makes complete sense and I really should have thought of that myself.


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