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Hello @All,

I have a little question about the parameter -AdaxesService and -Service.
In a PowerShell Script I have to define the two parameters every time I run an CmdLet from Adaxes Modul.

Is that possible that I define the Values one time per Power Shell Script?

Thanks for some help ;)

by (360 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Yes, it is possible. Cmdlets from Adaxes PowerShell module support running from a specific provider path. So, at the beginning of your script, you can define the appropriate Adaxes Active Directory provider path that includes the name of the necessary Adaxes service and the name of the Active Directory server you need. For this purpose, you need to call the Set-Location cmdlet, for example

Set-Location Adaxes:/adaxesserver.example.com/example.com


  • adaxesserver.example.com - is the name of your Adaxes service,
  • example.com - the name of the AD server (or name of the domain) that will be used for operations in AD.

Hi Adaxes Support,

that's great I'll test the script with that setting.

Arne :D

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