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I would like to show a couple of Adaxes Virtual Attributes in the Web Portal.

I've added them in the Configuration, see the 1st screenshot below.

I've also given the appropriate Security Role permissions to see them, see the 2nd screenshot.

However, they do not show up, see the 3rd screenshot below.

I've been banging my head on this for a while. Any help?

Virtual Attributes added image.png

Security Role has permissions image.png

Virtual Attributes not showing up image.png

by (90 points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)


First of all, please, make sure that to check the settings you are using the very same Web Interface (e.g. Administrator) that was updated in the Web Interface Configurator (the Web Interface is displayed in the top left corner).

Also, try clearing browser cache and refreshing the Web Interface page using Ctrl+F5 after saving the changes in the configurator.


That was it!

I was editing the wrong Web Interface. Doh!

thanks so much for the quick response!!

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