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Is there a way to migrate complete Adaxes config to a new server including all Web configs etc.? We are running version 2020.1 on MS Server 2012R2 and want to move to a 2019 server.

We tried it this way: https://www.adaxes.com/questions/1963/migrating-adaxes-to-new-server

And we tried a new installation restoring the backup from the old server.

Both ways worked for adaxes service but not for webconfigs/interfaces.

Thanks Martin

by (50 points)

Hello Martin,

The approach described in the post you referenced should work just fine as in Adaxes 2020.1 service and Web Interface configurations are backed up together. Could you, please, specify what exactly you mean by Both ways worked for adaxes service but not for webconfigs/interfaces? Any additional details would be much appreciated.


Well, we tried the following first:

  • Backup config on old server using Softerra.Adaxes.BackupRestore.exe
  • install new server with same name and IP
  • restore config using Softerra.Adaxes.BackupRestore.exe

After that, we could use the Adaxes console on our computers as before. All security roles, configs, etc. where there as before. BUT no webconfig was available.

Then we found the linked article and tried it with installing the new server, with new name and new ip, installed adaxes as shared installation, waited a bit and we then could use the console connecting to the new or the old server. Then we shut down the old server and no webconfig was working anymore.

We are now still running on the old server cause transferring the webconfigs (we have 4) did not work. This is not critical, cause Windows 2012R2 will still get security updates for some time, but sooner or later we will need to migrate to a newer Windows version.


Hello Martin,

no webconfig was available.

How exactly did you check that? Did you face any error messages? If you did, please, post here or send us (support[at]adaxes.com) screenshots.

Then we shut down the old server and no webconfig was working anymore.

Did you install Adaxes Web Interface and Web Interface Configurator on the second server along with the service and Administration Console?


At installation we chose:

  • Adaxes service
  • service administration console
  • web interface

we did not install:

  • spml web service
  • powershell module

We tested by accessing the website for the config. e.g.: http://newAdaxesServer/adaxes/Personal/

and got a 404 error. Same for the 3 other. Restarting the old server, accessing http://oldAdaxesServer/adaxes/Personal/ works.


Hello Martin,

Thank you for clarifying. For troubleshooting purposes, please, do the following on the new server:

  1. Launch Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  2. In the Connections pane, expand the server that hosts Adaxes Web Interface and then expand Sites.
  3. Expand the web site that hosts Adaxes Web Interface.
  4. Right-click the Adaxes virtual directory.
  5. In the context menu, navigate to Manage Application and then click Browse. image.png
  6. Does it work fine?

I will do another migration and give you feedback.

I hope that i will find the time today afternoon (GMT+1 here). Otherwise it will be on monday.


New try. We did another migration, using the following steps:

  • Backup Old Server
  • Install adaxes on new server
  • restore config on new server

After that we get follwing resultbrowsing the application in IIS: Old server: Browse-old-server.jpg New server: Browse-new-server.jpg

As you can see there is one Webinterface listed on the old one that isn't on the new one. There are 3 more on the old server that can be accessed, but are not listed (on neither server).

Accessing the webinterface "Standard" on both servers: Old server: Standard-old-Server.jpg New server: Standard-new-Server.jpg

It looks the same for other webinterface (e.g. Laufwerk or Controlling) .


Hello Martin,

Could you, please, post here or send us (support[at]adaxes.com) a screenshot with the list of available Web Interfaces and a screenshot of the Web Interface selection settings on both (old and new) servers? To take the screenshot:

  1. Open Adaxes Web Interface Configurator.
  2. Expand the drop-down menu in the top left corner and click Manage configurations. image.png
  3. Take a screenshot. We need something like the following: image.png
  4. In the top left corner, select Common Sign In from the drop-down menu.
  5. Take a screenshot. We need something like the following: image.png

I will mail the requested screenshots in a few minutes.

1 Answer

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by (299k points)
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Best answer

Hello Martin,

Thank you for the provided screenshots. According to them, all the Web Interfaces are enabled in both configurations. Most probably, specific Web Interfaces (e.g. Standard) are not allowed on the new server. For example, they can be configured to be available only on the old server and thus the Common Sign In page on the server displays them as expected. For information on how to check\change the setting, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_WebInterfaceCustomization_DisableWebInterfaceOnWebServers.htm.


Thanks for your help. I don't know why the webinterfaces had been set only for this server, as we always had only one.

But, most important, this solved our problem!

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