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Hello, I'm looking to create some HTML Emails for my maintenance notifications. I was hoping to use the full spoken date rather than the numerical date you find in the property value ... /2015 5:28:57 PM It comes out as: November 16th, 2015 5:28:57 PM

asked Nov 9, 2015 by drew.tittle (810 points)
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Hi Forum, I wan't to connect to the Adaxes Service from outside the Domain. So i try to connect this way: # Connect to the Adaxes service $admNS = New-Object "Softerra ... can i connect to the Adaxes Service from a host outside the domain? Thanks for your help

asked Nov 6, 2015 by esoAdxAdmin (650 points)
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All, I was wondering if there is a way to add check boxes that correspond to custom commands. Ie if I as the administrator want to give another user the ability to create ... to specific groups. All this would be avaliable from the new user form. Thanks, Tony

asked Nov 5, 2015 by cyspry (480 points)
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I've seen a few post on moving direct reports and a few scripts in the repo. Is it possible to create a home page action which allows a user to select a replacement ... However, it would be ideal if this could be simplified down to one step on one page.

asked Nov 5, 2015 by polley (1.2k points)
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I'm trying to make a BU to capture user accounts that haven't logged in to AD in 60 days. I have a BU with the following Query, but it isn't working (&(sAMAccountType=805306368 ... with a script. I just thought it would be easy to do with a BU Thx! --Joel

asked Nov 4, 2015 by ashmite (510 points)
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I would like to have a job that compares the attribute "mail" and "proxyAddresses", but am only interested in the primary proxy address (designated by an uppercase "SMTP:" ... these map or are related if the job itself is not possible with the adaxes tool?

asked Nov 4, 2015 by rgreggs (250 points)
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Hi Forum, i have a custom command which requires approval. I need to modify the Approval Notification Email (this Mail is send to external recipients (Approved | Deny | ... in the Administration Console (see Attachment). Again, Thanks a lot for your help

asked Nov 4, 2015 by esoAdxAdmin (650 points)
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Hello, I'm trying to write a simple powershell script to check if a user is a member of one of two groups and output a true value if the user is a member of ... intended to be run as Adaxes scheduled tasks or can I use the default Powershell cmdlets instead?

asked Nov 4, 2015 by drew.tittle (810 points)
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Hello, Is there a way to add a note field on the create user form for additional information. This info would not go into Active Directory but just in the ... etc instead of sending a separate email to IT with additional information. Thanks in advance.

asked Nov 3, 2015 by nturner (100 points)
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UPDATE: Just Works! Hi, We are due to upgrade our AD from 2003 to 2012 shortly, are there any considerations to take into account before the change takes place? We're on 2014.1 (3.7.11004.0) Thanks.

asked Nov 3, 2015 by bistromath (840 points)
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Hello, I'm trying to make one AD Group to allow access to one of the Web Interfaces I created. When I add that group to the Allowed list under the access control tab on the ... I don't have to go into the web interface config tool every time we add a customer.

asked Nov 2, 2015 by drew.tittle (810 points)
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Is there a way to have attributes display as a hyperlink within the web interface similar to how the "Web Page" attribute works? It really could be any attribute so long ... as a feature request to add some kind of a mapping/location functionality to Adaxes.

asked Nov 2, 2015 by yourpp (540 points)
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I'm suddenly receiving the following error when trying to perform certain web functions in the web portal. Fatal error Error Failed to decrypt using provider 'CurrentUserDataProtectionProvider ... : 3.7.11926.0 Any assistance would be appreciated. Thx! --Joel

asked Nov 2, 2015 by ashmite (510 points)
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I have an export that will run as a monthly scheduled task that will write output to a CSV to contain employees that have been ... ([datetime]terminationDate>=$lastMonth))" $properties = $eachFieldIn $userSearcher.SetPropertiesToLoad($properties)

asked Nov 2, 2015 by sandramnc (870 points)
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Hello, I have a Group Membership section on the Self Service Web interface. The idea is to have a list of the groups the user is a member of, but only the groups with their ... seems to work so I'm not sure where else I should be looking to fix the problem.

asked Nov 2, 2015 by drew.tittle (810 points)
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I am using adm-CustomAttributeText2 to capture external email address. And then using the same to create mail enabled exchange account. But I would like ... " -EmailAddressPolicyEnabled $true # Close connection to Exchange Server Remove-PSSession $session

asked Nov 2, 2015 by Brajesh (460 points)
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Good afternoon Support, I've recently reinstalled Adaxes on one of our nodes to update to the 2015.1 version. Upon bringing services online the node is no longer able to write to the ... , AdmLogRecord record) at #Tk.#il.#i.#jl.#9ub() at #Tk.#il.#i.#jl.#8ub()

asked Oct 29, 2015 by strikk (360 points)
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Can the Password Self Service statistics be presented to end users in a report? The only way I have been able to find the information is in the Admin console ... I would like to be able to provide it to our Helpdesk as a report of some type. Thank you.

asked Oct 28, 2015 by hms.scott (220 points)
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Is there a way to add a list of groups with checkboxes beside in the Create user part of the portal? I would like to have checkboxes for a small nr of groups when ... . I don't want to use some other attribute and check that using a business rule.

asked Oct 28, 2015 by niclas.eriksson (260 points)
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I'm using this report as a baseline and I have it mostly working, but I need assistance setting the ldap filter or search base to include only specified OUs instead ... Without Pictures", $NULL, $htmlBuilder.ToString()) } finally { $searchResult.Dispose() }

asked Oct 28, 2015 by yourpp (540 points)
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