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Hi Adaxes Forum, is it possible to Approve an Request by E-Mail? This would a great feature. Thanks for your help

asked Oct 2, 2015 by esoAdxAdmin (650 points)
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EDIT: Actually, it would be better if I could just add the ownerDN to the groups automatically regardless of the initiator! Would that make it easier? Hi All, I have ... for approval for users being added to groups, can this request bypass that? Thanks John.

asked Sep 29, 2015 by bistromath (840 points)
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Ref: How do I disable this option in these situations: - "Please select new members" - "Please select groups" - Thanks in advance

asked Sep 24, 2015 by (2.6k points)
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We are trying to set up syslog viewing in Splunk Storm from our Adaxes instance. I have enabled syslog output and put in the appropriate Syslog server information. ... asking for this information in its configuration. Thank you for information you can provide.

asked Sep 22, 2015 by lgibbens (320 points)
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I have a word document that I need to have the users first and last name added to along with the password. I was wondering if you know of an easy way to capture ... variables and pass them to a word document via a Custom Command or Business rule. Thanks, Tony

asked Sep 21, 2015 by cyspry (480 points)
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We are looking to help managers configure Out of Office responses for their employees. The approach we are thinking is a link on the Adaxes Help Desk portal that would ... remove the information gathered. Is there a different approach we can take? Thanks! Jake

asked Sep 21, 2015 by jakesomething (190 points)
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Hi, I need to execute custom commands on a quarterly and yearly base, Is it possible to achieve that within Adaxes? Maybe with a scheduled task? kind regards Ingemar

asked Sep 21, 2015 by ijacob (960 points)
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Hello! some of our users have multiple email addresses and also have different variations of their name and perhaps their assistants name within the SMTP addresses. for instance ... of email addresses that contain from their SMTP. Thanks in advance!

asked Sep 17, 2015 by MeliOnTheJob (1.7k points)
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Hallo @All, I have a special question. I think I have tonns of unassigned Security Role assignments and I want to Identify this objects to delete them. I wrote a ... eleven secounds. :-( Do anybody know how to identify the zombie assignments? Thanks Arne

asked Sep 17, 2015 by ATiedemann (360 points)
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Hello Where can I find the roadmap, showing planned new features and major changes in Adaxes ? - Thanks

asked Sep 15, 2015 by (2.6k points)
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Hi, I know there probably better places for this question but since I need to use Get-AdmUser I was wondering if you could help me build a Filter to find all ... automatically send a report every month but we need to narrow it down Thanks in advance Ingemar

asked Sep 15, 2015 by ijacob (960 points)
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Is there a way to use the built-in "Modify Exchange Properties" action to add a mailbox delegate that only resides in the cloud? We can do it via a powershell script, but I ... action. For example, I want to add "Company Administrator" to a user via the GUI:

asked Sep 14, 2015 by yourpp (540 points)
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I have some custom command like "User Separation", which is sequenced with bunch of other actions, like disable, delete & modify etc. This custom command is published ... time execution. And job executes on the particular date and time. Is the possible?

asked Sep 11, 2015 by Brajesh (460 points)
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I've got an Adaxes scheduled task that will export records out of AD into a JSON text file. All is working well except for the ability to sort the objects returned ... $exportFile "`n]" $Context.LogMessage("Total records written = " + $count, "Information")

asked Sep 11, 2015 by sandramnc (870 points)
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Pretty simple question. Upon user provisioning, based on business unit, is there a way to have the new O365 mailbox and user be added to an existing distribution group in ... could do this with local AD distribution groups, but that is currently not the case.

asked Sep 10, 2015 by eponerine (50 points)
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Hi Everyone, We are looking at implementing the Password functionality of Adaxes. Most of our users are remote users who do not log into our network very often. If ... reset option, does Adaxes change the windows cached password as well as the AD password?

asked Sep 9, 2015 by mdr0108 (50 points)
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I've added the MemberOf attribute to the create user form, but it gives an error when creating a user. Is there a way to do this? Property 'Member Of' is system- ... because the attribute is owned by the Security Accounts Manager (SAM). (Server:

asked Sep 8, 2015 by yourpp (540 points)
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Hi Forum, i have a question about the Scheduled Task "Inactive User Deaktivator". We've set up this task to disable Users inactive for more than 4 Weeks. This task runs once ... August 23th and was deaktivated). Can you tell me why this happen? Thanks a lot.

asked Sep 7, 2015 by esoAdxAdmin (650 points)
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Hi, I'm currently facing a problem where I want to set up a powershell script that should report all accounts (enabled, disabled, expired) matching a specific employeeType ... something else, just the plain Info Can you help me with this? kind regards Ingemar

asked Sep 4, 2015 by ijacob (960 points)
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Dear support, Active Directory on Windows 2016 will support this much anticipated feature. It will be possible to assign a user to a group for a limited time frame I ... you could investigate about this new possibility and support it in a near futur. Cheers

asked Sep 3, 2015 by Pierre (750 points)
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