Script repository
Check whether object is moved to specific OU
The script returns true if an object is moved to the specified Organizational Unit or container.
Check whether one of the Boolean properties is set to true
Check whether one of the Boolean properties is set to true.
Check whether one of the properties is modified
The script returns True if one of the specified properties is modified.
Check whether Password never expires account option is updated
The script returns true if the Password never expires account option is being updated for the user.
Check whether the target object is a member of multiple groups
The scripts check whether an AD object on which the script is executed is a member of multiple groups.
Check whether user has mailbox in Exchange Online
The script checks whether the user on which it is executed has a mailbox in Exchange Online.
Check whether user performing an operation manages the OU where target object is located
The script checks whether the user performing an operation manages the OU where the target object is located.
Check whether username is unique
The script checks whether the username of an account is unique in AD domain and does not match the prefixes of any proxy addresses in Exchange.
Clean up Google groups
The script deletes Google Apps groups that do not have corresponding AD groups in your Active Directory.
Compare user accounts to CSV data
The script compares values of AD user accounts to data contained in a CSV file.
Computers that have Adaxes Password Self-Service Client installed
This script creates a CSV file specifying, on which of the domain computers Adaxes Password Self-Service Client is installed, and on which ones it is not.
Computers with BitLocker status
The script generates a report containing computers and their Bitlocker status.
Connect to Exchange with PowerShell
The script demonstrates how to connect to Exchange from Adaxes with the help of PowerShell.
Connect to Microsoft Teams
The script establishes connection to Microsoft Teams.
Convert the first character of a property value to uppercase
The script converts the first character of a property value to uppercase.
Convert user mailbox to a resource mailbox in Exchange Online
The script converts an Microsoft 365 (Office 365) user mailbox to a room or equipment mailbox in Exchange Online.
Copy allowed property values from property pattern to custom command parameter
The script replaces values of a Custom Command drop-down list parameter with allowed property values from a Property Pattern.
Copy custom attribute values between Adaxes services
The script copies values of custom attributes from one Adaxes service to another.
Copy folder structure with permissions
The script copies all the items from the source folder to the target folder keeping the permissions.
Copy group members
Scripts for coping members from one AD group to another.