The script can be used to check whether e-mail addresses that users are trying to assign to a mailbox belong to accepted e-mail domains in Exchange. If any of the addresses do not belong to the accepted domains, the script will stop the operation.
To verify e-mail domains with the help of Adaxes, you need to create a business rule triggered before modifying Exchange properties of a User that runs the script using the Run a program or PowerShell script action.
- $exchangeServer - Specifies the fully qualified domain name or IP address of your Exchange Server.
$exchangeServer = "" # TODO: modify me
function VerifyMailAddress ($emailAddress, $acceptedDomainNames, [ref]$needCancelOperation)
# Get domain part of the email address
$emailAddress = $emailAddress.ToString()
$emailAddressDomainPart = $emailAddress.SubString($emailAddress.IndexOf("@") + 1)
# Verify domain part
foreach ($domainName in $acceptedDomainNames)
if ($emailAddressDomainPart -eq $domainName)
$Context.LogMessage("Email address '$emailAddress' not allowed" , "Error") # TODO: modify me
$needCancelOperation.Value = $True
# Get all accepted domains
$session = New-PSSession -connectionURI "http://$exchangeServer/powershell" -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -Authentication Kerberos
Import-PSSession -session $session
$acceptedDomains = Get-AcceptedDomain | Where {$_.Name -like "%adm-ParentName%*"}
Remove-PSSession -Session $session
# Exit the script if no accepted domains found
if ($acceptedDomains -eq $NULL)
$Context.LogMessage("No accepted domains found for %cn%", "Warning") # TODO: modify me
$acceptedDomainNames = @()
foreach ($domain in $acceptedDomains)
$acceptedDomainNames += $domain.DomainName.ToString()
# Get email addresses
$mailParams = $Context.Action.MailParameters
$emailAddresses = $mailParams.EmailAddresses
$needCancelOperation = $False
$operation = "ADS_PROPERTY_NONE"
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $emailAddresses.Count; $i++)
$emailAddress = $emailAddresses.GetAddress($i, [ref]$operation)
# Verify email addresses
if ($emailAddress.OverrideOldValues)
VerifyMailAddress $emailAddress $acceptedDomainNames ([ref]$needCancelOperation)
elseif (!($emailAddress.OverrideOldValues) -and ($operation -eq "ADS_PROPERTY_APPEND"))
VerifyMailAddress $emailAddress $acceptedDomainNames ([ref]$needCancelOperation)
# Cancel operation if there any invalid email addresses
if ($needCancelOperation)
$Context.Cancel("You are trying to add invalid email addresses!") # TODO: modify me