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Hi there,

I would like to allow for my support team to disenroll some user from SelfService Password Policy.

Is it possible to allow via web interface?



by (100 points)

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by (216k points)
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Hello Lopes,

Yes, sure. For this purpose you can create a Custom Command that disenrolls a user. To create it:

  1. Create a new Custom Command.

  2. On step 2 step of the Create Custom Command wizard, select the User object type.

  3. On step 3, add the Run a program or PowerShell script action and paste the following script in the Script field:

     if ($Context.TargetObject.IsEnrolled)
  4. Enter a short description for the script and click OK.

  5. Finish creation of the Custom Command.


Hi Support,

It's working. Thanks!


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