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NOTE:We currently don't have mail flowing through o365. DirSync is setup and all of our AD accounts show up the admin page of o365.

With that in mind, I seem to be able to assign licenses to users using Adaxes, but after I do, Adaxes seems to lose track of them.

Trying to view the user from the Adaxes web portal displays "The user doesn't have an Office 365 account."

Viewing the user from o365 shows that the license does get applied, and mailbox created. But, because we're not fully in production the mailbox on the o365 side is getting a xxxxx.onmicrosoft.com email address. This is by design, on MS's end but I don't get why Adaxes seems to lose site of the user.

Reviewing exchange.powershell.trace.txt, I see we connect to o365 and seem to be able to successfully run a Get-User -Identity "xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx, entering that into my MSOnline PS window returns my test user, but with some extra characters appended to it.

Any ideas?

by (350 points)


To help us troubleshooting the issue, could you do the following:

  1. Enable tracing of commands sent to Office 365 (not Exchange tracing) as described in the following help article: http://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.Perf ... uests.html.
  2. Enable an Office 365 account for a user and make sure that the issue is reproduced.
  3. Send the trace file to our support e-mail (support[at]adaxes.com).

Great! This is exactly what I was looking for. It appears Adaxes is using Get-MsolUser, but then gets this Error: Requested value 'PendingActivation' was not found. A quick google shows that this error is resolved in a future version of Adaxes. Is there a work around that I can implement until I have a chance to upgrade?

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer


No, to resolve the issue, you need to upgrade. The thing is that the part of code that causes the issue is compiled into Adaxes binaries and cannot be simply edited or replaced. By the way, if you have a valid license for Adaxes 2014.1, you can upgrade to the latest version at no charge. Adaxes 2015 comes as a free upgrade for all customers who have licenses for Adaxes 2014.1.

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