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Hello! I am running a powershell script that takes data and uses that to automatically create New-AdmUser. I want to have that new user send to the approval queue in adaxes, but it seems as if the powershell script bypasses the buisness rule I have set where before a user is created, it gets sent to the approval queue. Any help would be amazing!!!

by (50 points)

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by (294k points)
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First of all, you need to make sure that the Activity Scope of the business rule is configured so that it triggers for the users created by the script. For example, if the users are created in the Users OU, the rule should look like the following: image.png Also, you need to make sure that the -AdaxesService parameter is specified for the cmdlet in the script. In other case, the operation is performed directly in Active Directory bypassing Adaxes.

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