Good afternoon,
I am attempting to create a report to flag Users where the email address in AD does not match the email address in our Payroll system.
I am able to use a program provided by the Payroll system to sync the email address from our Payroll system in to the AD propery of 'extensionAttribute15'.
The problem comes up when I attempt to set a Search Option with the following: If 'Extension Attribute 15' does not equal '%mail%'
When I run the report I get an error message of: Resolving value references in the condition value '%mail%' resulted in an empty string.
It then returns no matches even though I know there are some. I get the same result if I use equal instead of does not equal.
The repot seems like it can read the property since I can use a Equal with a manually input email address, just not when I compare the two fields.
For example the following are both sucessful matches:
- Extension Attribute 15 equals/does not equal ''
- Email equals/does not equal ''
Both fields are case in-senstive strings of 25 so should match but there must be something I'm missing.
Report Scope is: Look in - Objects in a specific AD Location set to Users OU.
Report Search Filter is: (sAMAccountType=805306368) to grab User objects.
Any help or input would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,