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Here is our situation. We have a non-routable domain.local for our on-premise Active Directory environment. We are using DirSync to sync our users to the office Tenant (everything we use will still be on-premise.... exchange, sharepoint, etc.). We are just logging into Office 365 for licensing purposes for now. Anyway, we are not syncing password to the Office Tenant as we are going to Federate using ADFS or similar solution. When we sync to the Tenant using DirSync, we map our e-mail address as the UPN (which is different then our our on premise UPN). So my UPN in AD might be Bob@domain.local, but by UPN on the Office Tenant is Bob@company.com. The issue I have is when I view my Office 365 license settings on the Adaxes Web Interface, it shows "The user doesn't have an Office 365 account). Is there a feasible work around to this issue, without adding an addition UPN suffix to AD?

Hope that makes sense. Thanks and we are currently running version 3.7.12314.0

by (20 points)

I don't think it can be translated in Adaxes. Just curiosity why are you not using same UPN for both AD and 365? It will cause other inconvenience for users. Thanks.

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