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I'm trying to understand how 365 management works in 2014.1.

Right now we have our onsite active-directory with dirsync and we have a 365 subscription where everyone is synced but only some users are activated for Office Pro Plus (we don't use any of the online services).

We have a bunch of separate Office 365 organisations (i.e. totally unique something.onmicrosoft.com) that we use to provide Exchange via 365 to some of our overseas offices - they don't have domain accounts here they only use 365.

Can Adaxes "pull" these separate accounts in so I can view and manage them from the Adaxes console?

I'm a little unclear if it does standalone management or if it assumes everyone in 365 is also in your onsite active directory?

Also it looks like you can only do the 365 stuff via the web console - any plans to add that functionality to the native tool?

by (240 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)

Can Adaxes "pull" these separate accounts in so I can view and manage them from the Adaxes console?
I'm a little unclear if it does standalone management or if it assumes everyone in 365 is also in your onsite active directory?

No, Adaxes cannot "pull" the accounts from Office 365 if they are not present in your on-premises Active Directory. Adaxes allows to manage only those Office 365 users who have Active Directory user accounts.

Also it looks like you can only do the 365 stuff via the web console - any plans to add that functionality to the native tool?

It is already done. If a user falls within the AD scope of an Office 365 tenant, a new tab called Office 365 appears in the Properties dialog for the user, on which you can manage the Office 365 properties of the associated Office 365 account (or create one).

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