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Any idea what LDAP search filter I should be using to get a list of Deleted Objects (may be just user objects) from Active Directory's Recycle Bin. I was thinking to run a custom command and restore the selected object. So my tech use a user action button to search and execute the restore custom command.

This powershell command shows all deleted objects. So what will be the corresponding LDAP search filter for home page action config.

Get-ADObject -SearchBase "CN=Deleted Objects,DC=test,DC=lab,DC=local" -ldapFilter:"(msDs-lastKnownRDN=*)" -IncludeDeletedObjects -Properties *
by (460 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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A simple search filter is not sufficient to view deleted objects. Currently, there is no possibility to manage deleted objects in Adaxes. We are planning this feature for future versions.


Hi there,

Sorry for bringing back the dead, but is this feature coming any time soon?

We are aiming to restrict use of native tools in favour of Adaxes but as long as there are things that cannot be done in the tool we can't quite "close the loop".



Restoring deleted objects will be available in the next major release. We are doing our best to make it available as soon as possible. Currently, there are no exact dates for the release.



The new version of Adaxes that allows restoring deleted objects is available. You can download the new version here.

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