With Adaxes, is it possible to view items in the AD Deleted Items container and then recover them?
Starting with Adaxes 2018.2 it is possible to search among deleted objects and restore them. For details, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_ActiveDirectoryManagement_RestoreDeletedObjects.htm.
No, currently it isn't possible. We have such a feature in the product backlog, but we don't have exact plans for it yet.
Any idea what LDAP search filter I should be using to get a list of Deleted Objects (may be just user objects) from Active Directory's Recycle Bin. I was ... =test,DC=lab,DC=local" -ldapFilter:"(msDs-lastKnownRDN=*)" -IncludeDeletedObjects -Properties *
Hello, I want to get a mail notification when a new Active-Directory Group Security is created on a specific Organization Unit. When an AD admin create a Local group security ... administrator about this new group. Is there a way to implement that on Adaxes ?
Is there a comparison between the OnPrem user object and Entra user object in the built-in condition? Which determines the most recent inactivity from both environments. Or should a choice be made between the OnPrem domain or Entra based on the Activity scope?
We have a client that is using another product for tracking change history and Active Directory auditing. Does Adaxes provide such tracking for Active Directory objects, passwords, etc. ?
We are testing Adaxes. After installing I tried the Self Service portal. I was impressed with how much it automatically found right out of the box. When I click on join a ... control this? How would I get it to see groups that are not showing? Thanks, Randy