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We have implentend Adaxes in our infrastructure and users who use forget their password link via Adaxes self service portal by going thorugh the registered Q&A are being prompted to change their password again in the self service portal.

Is this a default behaviour of Adaxes self service portal or is it triggered by a specific business rule, I am unable to check this via the log Adaxes Self service password reset log.png

by (460 points)
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What exactly do you mean by being prompted to change their password? Please, describe the behaviour in all the possible details with screenshots.


Once they answer the security questions and change their password, the attribute 'Must chcange password at next logon" is being set. This is prompting the user to change the password again when logging to self service.

In summary user is requried to change password twice, wanted help in investigating if this is a default Adaxes behaviour or AD behaviour.

We are on Adaxes 3.14.19312.0 version if this helps.

1 Answer

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by (292k points)


Thank you for clarifying. There I no such behaviour in Adaxes out of the box. It can only be done using business rules, but according to your screenshot that is not the case. Also, per our experience, there is no such thing in AD as well. Most probably, there is some other tool/configuration in your environment that sets the option.

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