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Currently thought we have enabled MFA on self service policy, the MFA is only prompted for self-service login, but not for 'forget password link'

Is there a way when users use forget password link and try to reset their password, can we have mandatory MFA for this section.

by (460 points)


What exactly do you mean by MFA here? The only options available for self-password reset verification are questions and answers, verification code (sent via email or SMS) and passcode generated by a mobile application (e.g. Google Authenticator). All the options can be enabled in the corresponding password self-service policy.


Thank you for response, by MFA I mean the passcode verification method while users use "Forget Password Link"

Currently our password Self-Service policy has "Authenticator Mobile App" checked and set to Duo Mobile, but when users use "Forget Password" link they are only presented with Captcha and security Q&A set by them. Would like to have them enter passcode when they attempt to reset their forgotten password using "Forget Password" link.

1 Answer

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by (294k points)
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Best answer


As you already have the Authenticator mobile app verification option enabled in the Password self-service policy settings, now you need to have your users re-enroll for Password self-service. It can be done by logging in to the Web interface and using the corresponding option on a card or in my menu. image.png

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