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Is there any plan to integrate Office 365 groups to Adaxes? We have some users which need to be added/removed from O365 groups which are used for mailbox permissions.

by (50 points)

Not heard about it yet. May be i missed.

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by (216k points)
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Is there any plan to integrate Office 365 groups to Adaxes? We have some users which need to be added/removed from O365 groups which are used for mailbox permissions.

Are the groups represented as group objects in AD or are they Office-365-only groups? If you have the groups as AD objects that are synchronized with Office 365 by means of DirSync or AAD Sync, you can manage their members on-premises, just the same as with any other AD groups. Changes in group memberships will be synchronized to Office 365.

If these are cloud-only groups, currently, there is no support for them in Adaxes, and we don't have any plans to add the support yet. As a workaround, you can do as follows:

  1. Create a Business Unit for each group in Adaxes. For information on how to do that, see the following tutorials:

  2. Synchronize members of the Business Units with the members of Office 365 groups with the help of this script.


Thank you for the update support.

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