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We are using Adaxes in a multi-domains environment.
What we want to accomplish is to hide like the create user task for certain domains.
We know we can create an extra selfservice site per domain and not expose the create user task.

Because we are hosting a lot of domains we do not want to create a selfservice site per domain. Is it somehow possible to put a ACL on the tasks so we can choose based on AD membership if a certain task is visible yes or no per domain? If this is not possible what is the recommend way? Will this option be on the roadmap if it is not possible?


by (100 points)

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by (299k points)
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Is it somehow possible to put a ACL on the tasks so we can choose based on AD membership if a certain task is visible yes or no per domain?

No, there is no such possibility.

Will this option be on the roadmap if it is not possible?

Yes, we already have this option in our Product backlog.

If this is not possible what is the recommend way?

Currently, there is no possibility to achieve what you need rather than creating a separate Web Interface per domain.


Ok. Thank you. Is there any limit on the number of selfservice sites?



No, you can create as many Web Interfaces as you want.

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