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We are currently looking to implement the password self service option from your software. We are looking to hide the enrollment/dis-enroll option from the webpage, but still let the user enroll when prompted via email. Currently in our testing it seems that if you disable self service in the website configuration menu, it disables the option entirely. We are only looking to hide the option so an enrolled user cannot dis-enroll themselves (either on purpose or accident).


by (700 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)

Hello Josh,

Currently, this is impossible, but in the future we'll add the possibility to hide the Disenroll button. We'll apply all our effort to manage to do this in Adaxes 2014.1, but if we don't manage, this will be implemented in the release that will follow Adaxes 2014.1.

By the way, thanks for the suggestion!


Thank you for you quick response!



Today, we released Adaxes 2014.1. Starting from the new version, you can decide whether to show or hide any of the three links available in the in the Self Password Reset section (Enroll, Disenroll, Reenroll).

You can download the latest build here.

Upgrade Instructions.

For a complete list of new features and improvements, see What's New.

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