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We have two instances of Adaxes set up in the Administrative console. The secondary instance is used to run some of our larger scheduled tasks, however this has since stopped working and now only the primary instance is available in the drop down when selecting which instance the task should run on.

Is there a way I can get the secondary to appear in the list again?


by (350 points)


For troubleshooting purposes, please, provide us with a screenshot of the Multi-server environment dialog from both services. The dialog displays how many Adaxes services you have and what their versions are. For information on how to view it, see https://www.adaxes.com/help/MultiServerEnvironment.

Also, please, provide a screenshot where you see just a single instance of Adaxes service. Any additional details will be much appreciated.

You can post the screenshots here or send to us at support@adaxes.com.

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