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I've just started using Adaxes for the first time so there may be something obvious that I'm missing. I've created a business rule to create a home directory for a user (I've just edited the Builtin "Create User Home Directory") but it doesn't execute after a user is created in the OU that I've assigned to the Activity Scope.

I know it doesn't execute because the home directory doesn't get created. As I'm so new to Adaxes I don't know if I've missed something simple or where I would check a log or something to see if there were errors that caused the rule to not execute. I've looked in the Logging window but there's nothing in that regarding this rule executing (only logs about me creating and modifying it).

Thanks for any and all help.

EDIT: This may be a stupid question but do the business rules execute if you use the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in to create a user or does the user have to be created through the Adaxes Administration Console or Web Interface?

by (520 points)

1 Answer

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by (520 points)

I think I answered my own question. I'm going to assume that you actually have to create the user using the Adaxes Administration Console or Web Interface in order for the business rules to execute. I just created a user using the Admin Console and the business rule actually did execute so that appears to be working.




If you want to automate creation of home directories for users created using ADUC, you can define a Scheduled Task that will do the job:

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