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Hi i have created a business role

in that role if user is created a specific OU it will do everyting , generate password create email in specific DataBase , but i cannot find how to automate this section for user , if user created lets say in BA , according to this ou user should get @ba.com UPN , how can i do that?

by (450 points)
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by (294k points)
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The easiest way to accomplish the desired is using property patterns. The following tutorial will be helpful: https://www.adaxes.com/help/ConfigureUPNSuffixSelection.


Hi tysm for the answer ,

I did find this yesterday , now i can see and select users UPN

My question is , is there any way that i can do this step automaticly , i mean i have user creation rule , and business rule triggered after user created in specific OU , in my case , i want this business rule to automatically select UPN based on OU , let's say if user created in Germany OU , user suffix/UPN will be germany.com . how can i do that?



It is still something to be done using property patterns as described in the tutorial. You will just need to create a separate pattern for each OU. The OUs will be in the Activity Scope of only the corresponding property patterns. image.png


Oky i got it. Tysm Another question : what about the all other property things like email end other stuff which is by default included in Builtin > User? Those one image.png Do  have to add it to my new created Pattern or it will use inherited ? I mean if i disable the Built In User pattern and add each OU each pattern will it work? image.png



Disabled property patterns do not work. You just need to remove the Username property from the built-in property pattern and leave the rest of it as is. This way you will not need to add other properties to country related property patterns.


Thank you.

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