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senario: When users get married and want to change their primary (SMTP) email address.

I have a custom form and business rule that looks for a change in a propert (%NewPrimaryEmailAddress%) when that changes/updated it it completed the below task, the only problem is it sets both the %NewPrimaryEmailAddress% and the old address as SMTP. I want the old address as "smtp" so anyone with the old address can still reach them. How can I do this? When I check the proxy addresses both are primary (SMTP)



by (160 points)

1 Answer

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by (297k points)


You need to use the Modify Exchange properties action. For details, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/help/AutomateExchangeMailboxConfiguration. Example 4 – Add an e-mail address is exactly what you need. The only thing to add is that in your case the Set as reply option should be enabled.


Thanks I gave that a shot but Im now getting the following error msg:

Error: An Azure Active Directory call was made to keep object in sync between Azure Active Directory and Exchange Online. However, it failed. Detailed error message: Unable to update the specified properties for on-premises mastered Directory Sync objects or objects currently undergoing migration. The issue may be transient and please retry a couple of minutes later. If issue persists, please see exception members for more information

I'm currently running Adaxes version 3.16.21906.0.



Unfortunately, this is a known issue caused by the recent changes introduced by Microsoft. We released an update including a fix for the issue.

Upgrade instructions


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