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I'm looking for a full breakdown of the msi installer options so that I can script the installs of both the Adaxes Service and web UI. It appears that the install options for the web UI are listed with the installation instructions but I cannot find a full list of options anywhere.

I'm seeing parts and pieces of what I need...

HERE: Unattended installation of back-end side of Adaxes
and HERE: https://www.adaxes.com/resources/releas ... tNotes.htm

...but a full list of options and what they do would be very helpful.

Thank you!

by (50 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)
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Best answer


Unfortunately, there is currently no documentation describing installation of all Adaxes components via command line. Thank you for pointing this out, we will consider adding the documentation. Below are the commands you can use to install the components:
Adaxes service

msiexec /quiet /i "<path>adaxes_x64_en.msi" ADDLOCAL=ServiceFeature ADMCFGTYPE=0 ADMADMINNAME="<adminUsername>" ADMADMINPWD="<adminPwd>" ADMSERVICEADMINSID="<adminSID>" OPENADAXESPORTINFIREWALL=1 


  • <path> - specifies the path to the MSI file;
  • <adminUsername> - specifies the username of the account that will be used for Adaxes installation (e.g. admin@company.com);
  • <adminPwd> - specifies the password of the account that will be used for Adaxes installation ;
  • <adminSID> - specifies the SID of the account that will be used for Adaxes installation (e.g. S-1-5-21-2718492785-1413807572-3629993048-500).

Adaxes Web Interface and Web Interface Configurator

msiexec /quiet /i "<path>adaxes_x64_en.msi" ADDLOCAL=AppWebUIFeature,AppConfigWebUIFeature ADMWEBSITEIDAPP=1 ADMWEBVIRTUALDIRAPP="Adaxes" ADMWEBUIURLAPP="http://localhost/Adaxes" ADMWEBSITEIDAPPCONFIG=1 ADMWEBVIRTUALDIRAPPCONFIG="AdaxesConfig" ADMWEBUIURLAPPCONFIG="http://localhost/AdaxesConfig" ADMWEBSERVICECONFIGSET="<setID>"


  • <path> - specifies the path to the MSI file;

  • <setID> - specifies the configuration set identifier of an existing Adaxes service instance to which the Web Interface will be connected (e.g. {dd93c976-49ce-4a7c-b54e-78d0fa6b3529}). To get the identifier:

    1. Launch Adaxes Administration Console.
    2. In the Console Tree, right-click your service node and then click Properties in the context menu.
    3. The identifier will be displayed on the General tab.

Adaxes Administration Console

msiexec /quiet /i "<path>adaxes_x64_en.msi" ADDLOCAL=AdminConsoleFeature

where <path> specifies the path to the MSI file.

Adaxes Powershell Module for Active Directory

msiexec /quiet /i "<path>adaxes_x64_en.msi" ADDLOCAL=PowerShellFeature

where <path> specifies the path to the MSI file.

If you want to install multiple components at once, you need to specify the component names in the ADDLOCAL parameter and then specify the rest of the parameters. For example, to install Adaxes service, Web Interface, Web Interface Configurator and Administration Console, use the following command:

msiexec /quiet /i "<path>adaxes_x64_en.msi" ADDLOCAL=ServiceFeature,AdminConsoleFeature,AppWebUIFeature,AppConfigWebUIFeature ADMCFGTYPE=0 ADMADMINNAME="<adminUsername>" ADMADMINPWD="<adminPwd>" ADMSERVICEADMINSID="<adminSID>" OPENADAXESPORTINFIREWALL=1 ADMWEBSITEIDAPP=1 ADMWEBVIRTUALDIRAPP="Adaxes" ADMWEBUIURLAPP="http://localhost/Adaxes" ADMWEBSITEIDAPPCONFIG=1 ADMWEBVIRTUALDIRAPPCONFIG="AdaxesConfig" ADMWEBUIURLAPPCONFIG="http://localhost/AdaxesConfig"

Thank you for the thorough reply.

A few more questions:

1. How does ADMCFGTYPE play a role in the Adaxes Service installation?
2. What options are used to link services together so that they share their configuration?
3. Can I define a SQL server and database for logging during the installation or is that only something that works when sharing service configurations.

Thanks again.



How does ADMCFGTYPE play a role in the Adaxes Service installation?

The ADMCFGTYPE parameter specifies whether the new service instance will share its configuration with an existing instance (value should be 1) or will have a separate configuration (value should be 0).

Can I define a SQL server and database for logging during the installation or is that only something that works when sharing service configurations.

Unfortunately, there is no possibility to specify the database for logging and its settings during installation. However, the settings are replicated between instances of Adaxes service that share common configuration.

What options are used to link services together so that they share their configuration?

You will need to use a command like the following:

msiexec /quiet /i "\\SERVER\adaxes.msi" ADDLOCAL=ServiceFeature ADMCFGTYPE=1 ADMADMINNAME="<adminUsername>" ADMADMINPWD="<adminPwd>" ADMSERVICEADMINSID="<adminSID>" OPENADAXESPORTINFIREWALL=1 AdmShareSrvAddr=adaxesserver1.example.com ADMREPLACCNAME=administrator@example.com ADMREPLACCPWD="p@$w0rd" BACKENDREPLICAADDRESS=adaxesserver1.example.com:56043 ADAMSCHEMAMASTERSERVER=adaxesserver2.example.com ADAMSCHEMAMASTERPORT=12459


  • <path> - specifies the path to the MSI file;
  • ADMADMINNAME - specifies the username of the account that will be used for Adaxes installation (e.g. admin@company.com);
  • ADMADMINPWD - specifies the password of the account that will be used for Adaxes installation ;
  • ADMSERVICEADMINSID - specifies the SID of the account that will be used for Adaxes installation (e.g. S-1-5-21-2718492785-1413807572-3629993048-500);
  • OPENADAXESPORTINFIREWALL - specifies whether to open the port for Adaxes service in Windows Firewall (1 - open, 0 - don't open);
  • AdmShareSrvAddr - specifies the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of an existing service in the Configuration Set, from which settings will be replicated. It can be the same as ADAMSCHEMAMASTERSERVER (see below) or another Adaxes service.
  • ADMREPLACCNAME - specifies the username of the Adaxes service account of the service instance from which settings will be replicated (e.g. admin@company.com);
  • ADMREPLACCPWD - specifies the password of the Adaxes service account of the Adaxes service from which settings will be replicated;
  • BACKENDREPLICAADDRESS - specifies the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of an existing service in the Configuration Set, from which settings will be replicated and the port used by the service backend. For information on how to identify the port used by Adaxes service backend, see below.
  • ADAMSCHEMAMASTERSERVER - specifies the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Adaxes service that holds the Schema Master Role for the Configuration Set that you are joining the new Adaxes service to. For information on how to identify the Adaxes service that holds the Schema Master Role, see below.
  • ADAMSCHEMAMASTERPORT - specifies the port used by the service backend for the Adaxes service that holds the Schema Master Role.

How to identify the port used by an Adaxes service

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration Console.
  2. In the Console Tree, right-click the service node.
  3. In the context menu, click Properties.
  4. The backend port will be displayed on the General tab.

How to identify the Adaxes service that holds the Schema Master Role

For information on how to identify the Adaxes service that holds the Schema Master Role, see the following article by Microsoft: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/libr ... 10%29.aspx.

  1. On step 3, specify the address of any Adaxes service in the Configuration Set.
  2. On step 4, specify the backend port used by the Adaxes service that you specified on step 3.
  3. On step 5, select This account and specify the credentials of the Adaxes service account for the Adaxes service that you specified on step 3.

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