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Would it be possible to utilize Adaxes' out of the box approval workflow functionality to accomplish the following audit process?

On a periodic basis, each group member's manager is emailed to confirm that their membership in that group is still valid. Ideally a non-response would count as an approval, but a reject would remove the user's group membership. Ultimately the goal is to help with maintaining least privileged principles as access is often granted, but rarely revoked.

by (540 points)

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by (294k points)
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Unfortunately, there is no such possibility.

As a solution, you can use the following scenario:

  1. A Scheduled Task will attempt to remove all members from the group.
  2. A Business Rule triggering Before Removing a member from a Group will send an approval request to the user being removed from the group by executing a PowerShell script.
  3. If the user denies the request, they will remain in the group. If the user approves the request, they will be removed from the group.

Hi yourpp - we have a similar situation and I was wondering if you discovered any other options for your use case?



No, not yet. The method proposed by Adaxes isn't trivial because they do not appear to have a native option to specify the affected user's manager for approval, only the requester's manager or owner of the group, etc. Ideally you would be able to use a template for the list of approvers, but cannot at this time, hence the need for a powershell script. To keep it simple, we will probably just use a scheduled task to email the manager with a list of each of their direct reports in the specified group and if they reply, a ticket will be generated in our help desk system and our staff will manually remove the membership.

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