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Is there any documentation to create & manage DDG's in Adaxes?

by (350 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)

Update 2020

Starting with version 2020.1 there is a possibility to create rule-based groups in Adaxes. For details, have a look at section Rule-based groups of the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_AutomatingDailyTasks_AddUsersToGroupsByDepartment.htm#dynamicgroups.



The feature to create and manage Dynamic Groups in Adaxes is in our TODO list. We are planning this functionality for one of our future releases.



Has there been any advancements in this endeavor? I would like the ability for Adaxes to manage Exchange dynamic DL's, as well.



No, currently not. This request is still in our TODO list. For the nearest release, we are going to concentrate on the new look and feel of Adaxes Web Interface and a completely new Web Interface engine. Also, we are going to completely rework the Reports subsystem to allow custom and scheduled reports and many other long-awaited features. There's really a lot of work to do, so, most probably, we won't be able to squeeze dynamic distribution groups in the upcoming release.


Have there been any advancements on this?



We have the feature in our roadmap and it will be implemented in the next major release that should be available by spring.

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