0 votes

For new user provisioning, and those users who submit the requests for approval, I'm trying to pass the variable of the phone number of the initiator through an email notification. It seems that particular property is unavailable. Is this avaiable and I don't see it? I find it to be a strange omission if it's missing.

Also, will it be possible in the future to edit accounts waiting for approval? Right now it's an all-or-nothing option. If something get's missed, the whole approval has to be resubmitted.

by (470 points)


If you mean the mobile phone of the initiator, you can access it by using the %adm-InitiatorMobile% value reference. If you mean some other phone, in which property do you store it exactly, Telephone Number?

Also, will it be possible in the future to edit accounts waiting for approval? Right now it's an all-or-nothing option. If something get's missed, the whole approval has to be resubmitted.

Do you mean submitting an operation of creating a user for approval or something else?


I noticed the mobile phone one, but yes, it's the telephoneNumber field. It is used for an email notification workflow.

Without it, someone has to look up the initiator's phone number, and it's just an extra step to try to avoid.

Yes, it's part of our workflow for new user provisioning.

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


As for the telephone number of the initiator, currently there is no value reference that you can use to get it, but that's a good suggestion. Thank you! We'll add a value reference for this purpose in the nearest future.

As to the possibility to modify a newly created user that is awaiting approval, this is also a very good suggestion. We'll add it to our TODO list.



Today we released Adaxes 2013.2. In this version, we Introduced two new virtual (calculated) properties: adm-ManagerPhone and adm-InitiatorManagerPhone. The properties can be used to retrieve the phone number of user's manager and the manager of the operation initiator. In Business Rules, Custom Commands and Scheduled Tasks, you can access the virtual properties using the %adm-ManagerPhone% and %adm-InitiatorManagerPhone% value references.

You can download the new version here.

Upgrade Instructions.

For a complete list of new features and improvements, see What's New.

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