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Hi, question on the %adm-Initiatorxxx% attributes.

I have a custom command that runs a script and eventually emails a report to %adm-InitiatorEmail% to email the initiating user the results of the script.

This script acts on computer objects.

I have a second Adaxes command that acts on groups, and calls the first command for each computer in a group - so if we have a group of ten servers we get 10 reports.

The issue I have is that the initiator of the first script (that does the 'work') is seen as the Adaxes service when it is 'chained' in this way.

Is there any way to pass the %adm-Initiatorxxx% variables as part of calling the custom command?

Many Thanks

by (1.6k points)

I have a similar problem, where i use email notification on a scheduled task that triggers on a date attribute on the user.
I would love to get the correct initiator that modified the date attribute, so that i can send an email to that user when the scheduled task is run. :mrgreen:

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