0 votes

We had asked for help before for this process and Adaxes Tech's sent us a script, now the users of the results of the script have request some changes. Some of the changes we figured out how to incorporate into the script, the others not so much...here is what we are asking for:
1. Useing the web interface, be able to identify the user and have the result of the script sent back to that user.
2. the result is currently a HTML email, the change is to convert the result to a .csv file and send that to the requesting user.

Here is the script:

# Email message setings
$to = "dk@emailcompany.com" (changed to not have company info.)
$subject = "Org Chart Rollup"
$htmlReportHeader = @"
<h1><b>Full List of Subordinates for %name%</b></h1><br/>
<table border="1">
        <th>Manager Name</th>
        <th>Manager Job Title</th>
        <th>Employee Name</th>
        <th>Employee Job Title</th>
        <th>Employee ID</th>
"@ # TODO: modify me

$htmlReportFooter = @"

<p><i>Please do not reply to this e-mail, it has been sent to you for notification purposes only.</i></p>
"@ # TODO: modify me

function GetAllSubordinates($directReportDN, $subordinates, $managerName, $managerJobTitle, $userDepartment, $userEmployeeID)

    # Bind to Subordinate
    $user = $Context.BindToObjectByDN($directReportDN)

    # Get user name
    $userName = $user.Get("name")

    # Get user job title
        $userJobTitle = $user.Get("title")
        $userJobTitle = "&nbsp;"

    # Get user Department
        $userDepartment = $user.Get("department")
        $userDepartment = "&nbsp;"

    # Get user Employee ID
        $userEmployeeID = $user.Get("employeeID")
        $userEmployeeID = "&nbsp;"

    # Add to HashTable
    $userInfo = New-Object PSObject
    $userInfo | add-member Noteproperty ManagerName $managerName
    $userInfo | add-member Noteproperty ManagerJobTitle $managerJobTitle
    $userInfo | add-member Noteproperty UserName $userName
    $userInfo | add-member Noteproperty UserJobTitle $userJobTitle
    $userInfo | add-member Noteproperty UserDepartment $userDepartment
    $userInfo | add-member Noteproperty UserEmployeeID $userEmployeeID

    $subordinates.Add($directReportDN, $userInfo) | Out-Null

    # Get Subordinates
        $directReportDNs = $user.GetEx("directReports")

    foreach ($directReportDN in $directReportDNs)
        GetAllSubordinates $directReportDN $subordinates $userName $userJobTitle $userDepartment $userEmployeeID

# Get subordinates
    $directReportDNs = $Context.TargetObject.GetEx("directReports")
    $Context.LogMessage("The user doesn't have any direct reports.", "Error") # TODO: modify me

$subordinates = New-Object "System.Collections.Hashtable" 
foreach ($directReportDN in $directReportDNs)
    GetAllSubordinates $directReportDN $subordinates "%name%" "%title%" "%department%" "%employeeID%"

# Sort list
$subordinates = $subordinates.Values | Sort-Object -Property @{Expression={$_.ManagerName}; Ascending=$True}

# Build HTML report
foreach ($subordinate in $subordinates)
    $htmlReportHeader += "<tr><td>" + $subordinate.ManagerName + "</td>"
    $htmlReportHeader += "<td>" + $subordinate.ManagerJobTitle + "</td>"
    $htmlReportHeader += "<td>" + $subordinate.UserName + "</td>"
    $htmlReportHeader += "<td>" + $subordinate.UserJobTitle + "</td>"
    $htmlReportHeader += "<td>" + $subordinate.UserDepartment + "</td>"
    $htmlReportHeader += "<td>" + $subordinate.UserEmployeeID + "</td></tr>"
$htmlBody = $htmlReportHeader + "</table>" + $htmlReportFooter

# Send the report
$Context.SendMail($to, $subject, $NULL, $htmlBody)

Thank you for your help.

Anthony Babbe

by (320 points)


We've asked our script guys to change the script for you. We'll update you as soon as they come up with something.



Is there any update on this.

Thank you,

Tony Babbe

1 Answer

0 votes
by (216k points)

Hello Tony,

The script is ready. In the new version of the script:

  • $csvFilePath specifies the path to the CSV file that will be generated and attached to an e-mail notification,
  • $to - specifies the recipient of the report,
  • $from - specifies the e-mail address that will be displayed as the report sender,
  • $smtpServer - specifies an SMTP server to be used for sending reports,
  • $subject - specifies the e-mail message subject,
  • $messageBody - specifies the e-mail message body (in plain text form).

The script:

$csvFilePath = "c:\temp\report.csv" # TODO: modify me

# Email message setings
$to = "dk@emailcompany.com" # (changed to not have company info.)
$from = "noreply@domain.com" # TODO: modify me
$smtpServer = "mail.domain.com" # TODO: modify me
$subject = "Org Chart Rollup"
$messageBody = "Full List of Subordinates for %name%" # TODO: modify me

function GetAllSubordinates($directReportDN, $subordinates, $managerName, $managerJobTitle, $userDepartment, $userEmployeeID)

    # Bind to Subordinate
    $user = $Context.BindToObjectByDN($directReportDN)

    # Get user name
    $userName = $user.Get("name")

    # Get user job title
        $userJobTitle = $user.Get("title")
        $userJobTitle = $NULL

    # Get user Department
        $userDepartment = $user.Get("department")
        $userDepartment = $NULL

    # Get user Employee ID
        $userEmployeeID = $user.Get("employeeID")
        $userEmployeeID = $NULL

    # Add to HashTable
    $userInfo = New-Object PSObject
    $userInfo | add-member Noteproperty ManagerName $managerName
    $userInfo | add-member Noteproperty ManagerJobTitle $managerJobTitle
    $userInfo | add-member Noteproperty UserName $userName
    $userInfo | add-member Noteproperty UserJobTitle $userJobTitle
    $userInfo | add-member Noteproperty UserDepartment $userDepartment
    $userInfo | add-member Noteproperty UserEmployeeID $userEmployeeID

    $subordinates.Add($directReportDN, $userInfo) | Out-Null

    # Get Subordinates
        $directReportDNs = $user.GetEx("directReports")

    foreach ($directReportDN in $directReportDNs)
        GetAllSubordinates $directReportDN $subordinates $userName $userJobTitle $userDepartment $userEmployeeID

# Get subordinates
    $directReportDNs = $Context.TargetObject.GetEx("directReports")
    $Context.LogMessage("The user doesn't have any direct reports.", "Error") # TODO: modify me

$subordinates = New-Object "System.Collections.Hashtable"
foreach ($directReportDN in $directReportDNs)
    GetAllSubordinates $directReportDN $subordinates "%name%" "%title%" "%department%" "%employeeID%"

# Sort list
$subordinates = $subordinates.Values | Sort-Object -Property @{Expression={$_.ManagerName}; Ascending=$True}

# Export to the temp csv file
$subordinates | Export-Csv -Path $csvFilePath -NoTypeInformation

# Send message
Send-MailMessage -To $to -from $from -SmtpServer $smtpServer -Subject $subject -Body $messageBody -Attachments $csvFilePath

# Remove temp arrchive
Remove-Item $csvFilePath -Force

How do I get this to send to the person who is requesting the org chart from the Web interface?
The current "To" line has a single address receiveing the all of the requests, but they want the person requesting the chart to get the chart back via the request.

# Email message setings  
$to = "<dk@emailcompany.com>" \# (changed to not have company info.)  
$from = "<noreply@domain.com>" # TODO: modify me  
$smtpServer = "mail.domain.com" # TODO: modify me  

Thanks again,




For this purpose, simply replace dk@emailcompany.com with %adm-InitiatorEmail%:

# Email message setings
$to = "%adm-InitiatorEmail%"

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