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I have small issue with a business rule not being activated upon an update.

I am using a scheduled task and on certain conditions we are updating the adm-CustomAttributeBoolean1 field with the following code:

        $Context.TargetObject.Put("adm-CustomAttributeBoolean1", $True)

We also have a businessrule active After updating a User with the following check :

If the 'adm-CustomAttributeBoolean1' property has changed

Now when the scheduled task runs on a test user. The fields are actually being updated, but the business rule is not being activated.
But when I manually adjust the field within the adaxes console ( on the same object) it does trigger the business rule.

Am i missing anything ? :)


by (470 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)

Hello Serge,

The thing is that $Context.TargetObject exposes an interface that does not trigger the command pipeline. In other words, this means that setting properties via this property will not trigger any Business Rules. Is there any specific reason why you use a script to set the properties, and not the built-in Update the User action?


I use a script because i want to find unnecessary groups (Based on SAP info) on a user and delete them. ( With a setback of 30 days because of the possible loss of rights)
That is why i put the group names and a removal date in virtual attributes.
But i can separate the Boolean from the script of course and trigger the business rule with a built-in command.

Will give it a try, but it guess it will work like that.
Thanks for the reply.

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