Hey Support,
Were in the process of just spinning up Adaxes 2014.1 in our environment, and I'm working on build the employee off boarding custom command and can get everything to work but setting the mailbox on litigation hold for the account. We currently do this via powershell using the following command
Set-Mailbox "%displayName%" -LitigationHoldEnabled $true –Itemholdperiod 365
I'll be the first to admit I'm not great at powershell, but when I perform this command and can get it to work successfully I have to establish a remote powershell session. I wish this was that easy (just add that line of pshell to my custom command) but it says the Set-Mailbox is not a recognized cmdlet. This makes sense since I don't have the exchange tools installed on our Adaxes server.
I wanted to you guys what you suggest prior to moving forward. Should I try and come up with a custom script that can do that via a remote session? If thats the case I may need some help. Any other suggestions?
This would be a huge win for me (and im sure others) as if anyone has tried to place a mailbox on litigation hold through Outlook 365's web portal it's so slow. Thanks!