0 votes

Currently Logon Workstations attribute is a comma delimited string. I would like to request that this is an AD picker to limit human error when adding and removing objects. image.png

by (2.3k points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)

Hello Mark,

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility, because the type of the Logon Workstations property is defined as String in Active directory schema, not in Adaxes.


Yes, I realize that but was unsure if as a feature for Adaxes, it could turn that comma delimited string into ad objects picker to make it easier for users to add and remove them. This would allow us to delegate the task.

Thanks for looking into it.


Hello Mark,

Sorry for the confusion, this feature is currently available in Adaxes Administration Console. For example, you can use the Add/Modify Property option:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration Console.
  2. In the Console Tree, expand your service node.
  3. Navigate to and right-click a user.
  4. In the context menu, click Add/Modify Property. image.png
  5. Select Logon Workstations and click Next. image.png
  6. Click the Edit button embedded into the Property value field. image.png
  7. Specify the computers to be set for the property. image.png
  8. Click OK and then click Finish.

The same dialog is available by the Log On To button on the Account tab of user properties: image.png

We will consider adding the same functionality to Adaxes Web Interface in future releases.

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