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Is it possible to change the date format to UK style when using attributes in email messages?

For example I am using %adm-CustomAttributeDate1% as a placeholder for a users start date, but this comes out as 06/01/2015 12:00:00 AM. Ideally this would be in the UK DD/MM/YYYY format (01/06/2015). I can live with the time being left it there if there isn't a way around it.

Kind Regards

by (200 points)

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by (216k points)
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Update 2018

Starting with version 2018.1, you can specify the format for value references related to date/time properties. For details, have a look at section Format of date/time value references of the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/ValueReferences/#format-of-date/time-value-references.


Hello Danny,

Currently, the format in which date/time value references are inserted in emails depends on the system locale on the computer where Adaxes service is installed. Thus, you can change the system locale to UK to change the date format in the value references.

Alternatively, you can send e-mails with the help of PowerShell scripts. For information on sending emails with scripts, see Sending Emails and SMS. In the script, you can get the date using the Get-Date built-in PowerShell cmdlet that provides you a variety of ways how to convert a date to a string. For more information, see Get-Date.


I've checked the system settings and everything is set to the correct locale for both the system defaults and for the service account which Adaxes is using. The date is still coming out in the incorrect format. Is there anything else I need to check?


Just a note on this in case anyone else gets the same problem.

This was resolved as the computer on which we were using the web interface (not the server where it was installed) was in a different locale.

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